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Beaver Brook Run -
Change in Garbage Procedure: Due to the weather, all household garbage will be picked up from the mailboxes on Friday, January 24th. The garbage company will not come to the rear of your unit to pick up your garbage. It can be placed at the mailboxes no earlier than tonight. It is possible that they will come very early to pick up so please plan accordingly.
Landlords, please notify your tenants.
Christmas Tree Disposal: Per our garbage company, please put your Christmas tree at the mailbox area for pick up on Tuesday or Friday through January 31, 2025. Trees will not be picked up after 1/31. Please do not put them out before Monday night for Tuesday pick up or Thursday night for Friday pick up. This is for Christmas tree pick up ONLY, not regular garbage.
December 12th Meeting Updates:
The Board approved the insurance renewal.
The Board approved the installation of a new fence at the rear of 1-15 Hemlock at the property line.
The Board approved a proposal from LMS to install new irrigation at the rear of 1-15 Hemlock.
The Board approved a proposal from Dave Heiser Masonry for concrete work done at various units on Jeanette Court.
The Board approved a proposal from Apex Soft Wash to soft wash all of the buildings. Work will be done early Spring.
The Board approved the engagement letter from Albert Normann to perform the 2024 audit and tax return.
The Board approved the 2025 budget.
The Board amended the fence replacement regulations to allow for red or white cedar fencing.
September 25th Meeting Updates:
The Board appointed Sarah Santana to the Board to fill an open seat.
The Board approved a proposal from LMS for verticutting and seeding.
July 18th Meeting Updates:
The Board approved a proposal from FWH for an updated Capital Reserve Study.
The Board approved a proposal from Jersey Shore Line Striping to re-number the parking spots and re-stripe the parking stalls.
May 16th Meeting Updates:
The Board appointed Sherry Pace and Juan Santana to the Board to fill open seats.
The Board approved the proposal from Danny's Fence install fencing as part of the ground remediation project on Hemlock Drive.
March 21st Meeting Updates:
The Board approved the renewal of the garbage contract with Suburban Disposal for a three year period.
The Board approved the proposal from LMS for mulching in various areas of the community.
The Board approved the proposal from LMS to remediate the ground behind 1-15 (odd only) Hemlock Drive.
The Board approved the proposal from FWH for construction oversight of the Hemlock Drive project.
The Board approved the 2023 draft audit. The audit will be made available to the membership once finalized.
Household garbage: Regular pick up days are Tuesday and Friday. Garbage pick up is from the rear of the units. Trash cans must be put outside of the rear of the fenced in areas no sooner than the night before pick up. No one should be putting garbage at the mailboxes unless indicated by Management. All garbage must be in garbage bags that are tied and secured. The garbage company will no longer pick up regular household garbage at the mailboxes without an additional charge, which gets paid out of everyone's maintenance fee. The garbage company will not pick up any loose garbage. The garbage company will not pick up any garbage that is outside the garbage can.
Recycling: Recycling services are provided by the Middlesex County Division of Recycling. The recycling schedule is on the Association's website, You must put your recycling out in your unit's parking space no sooner than the night before pick up. Recycling may not be placed in black plastic bags. All boxes must be broken down and if you have multiple boxes, they must be bundled. Recycling must not be placed by any mailbox area.
Bulk Pick Up: Bulk pick up dates are Tuesday and Friday. You must contact Management prior to putting out bulk. Bulk items should be placed by the mailbox areas no sooner than the night before pick up. The garbage company will not pick up any kind of construction material. For example, they will not pick up carpeting of any kind, sheet rock, doors, toilets, sinks or appliances. They will not pick up items that are considered hazardous waste, which include but not limited to tires, paint, gasoline, and car batteries. Items considered bulk pick up include furniture and mattresses.
When residents do not follow these rules, the Association is forced to pay additional fees to the garbage company to pick up these items, and sometimes at great expense to the Association. This means that every owner is paying for someone not following the rules.